mercredi 21 décembre 2011

installation du SDK android

installation du sdk android + eclipse

Installing the Android SDK
Download the latest version of the Android SDK
Unzip it and move it where needed
unzip Downloads/ -d~/bin
Open (in /Applications/Utilities)
Edit ~/.profile and append
export PATH=~/bin/android-sdk_r14-mac_86/platform-tools:~/bin/android-sdk_r14-mac_86/tools:$PATH
Load new .profile
source .profile
Run Android SDK Manager
Install Components

Installing Eclipse
Download the latest version of Eclipse (Classic or Java Developers are probably best)
Open (in /Applications/Utilities)
Unzip it and move it where needed.
tar -zxvf Downloads/eclipse-java-helios-SR1-macosx-cocoa-x86_64.tar.gz
Optional: Add to PATH. Edit ~/.profile and append export PATH=[eclipse folder]:$PATH then reload source .profile.
Open Eclipse.
Go to Help » Install New Software.
Click Add.
Name: Google ADT
Install pieces that you want.
When ADT installation is complete, the latest version of eclipse and ADT will ask you to install or set location for android SDK. Set the location where you installed the SDK. Click OK.
If you did not see a prompt to install or choose location for ADT, open Preferences, go to Android. Set your SDK location. Click OK.


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