dimanche 9 septembre 2012

socket.io doc??



Socket.IO Client  

Socket.IO Node.JS server  


Socket.IO aims to provide a really simple API to leverage Sockets in the client side. It hides the complexity of the different transport mechanisms used to achieve realtime communication between a browser and a server today.

How to use

io.setPath('/path/to/socket.io/');  socket = new io.Socket('localhost');  socket.connect();  socket.send('some data');  socket.addEvent('message', function(data){      alert('got some data' + data);  });


  • Supports

    • WebSocket
    • Adobe Flash Socket
    • ActiveX HTMLFile (IE)
    • Server-Sent Events (Opera)
    • XHR with multipart encoding
    • XHR with long-polling
  • ActionScript Socket is known not to work behind proxies, as it doesn't have access to the user agent proxy settings to implement the CONNECT HTTP method. If it fails, socket.io will try something else.

  • On a successful connection, it remembers the transport for next time (stores it in a cookie).

  • Small. Closure Compiled with all deps: 5.82kb (gzipped).

  • Easy to use!



new io.Socket(host, [options]);


The resource is what allows the socket.io server to identify incoming connections by socket.io clients. In other words, any HTTP server can implement socket.io and still serve other normal, non-realtime HTTP requests.

  • transports

    ['websocket', 'server-events', 'flashsocket', 'htmlfile', 'xhr-multipart', 'xhr-polling']

    A list of the transports to attempt to utilize (in order of preference)

  • transportOptions

    {        someTransport: {            someOption: true        },        ...    }    

    An object containing (optional) options to pass to each transport.


  • options

    The passed in options combined with the defaults

  • connected

    Whether the socket is connected or not.

  • connecting

    Whether the socket is connecting or not.

  • transport 

    The transport instance.


  • connect

    Establishes a connection 

  • send(message)

    A string of data to send.

  • disconnect

    Closes the connection

  • addEvent(event, λ)

    Adds a listener for the event event

  • removeEvent(event, λ)

    Removes the listener λ for the event event


  • connect

    Fired when the connection is established and the handshake successful

  • message(message)

    Fired when a message arrives from the server

  • close

    Fired when the connection is closed. Be careful with using this event, as some transports will fire it even under temporary, expected disconnections (such as XHR-Polling).

  • disconnect

    Fired when the connection is considered disconnected.

Socket.IO Node.JS server

How to use

var http = require('http'),             io = require('./socket.io/socket.io.js'),    server = http.createServer(function(req, res){      // your normal server code      res.writeHeader(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'});      res.writeBody('<h1>Hello world</h1>');      res.finish();  });    // socket.io, I choose you  io.listen(server);



io.listen(<http.Server>, [options])

Returns: a Listener instance

Public Properties:

  • server

    The instance of process.http.Server

  • options

    The passed in options combined with the defaults

  • clients

    An array of clients. Important: disconnected clients are set to null, the array is not spliced.

  • clientsIndex

    An object of clients indexed by their session ids.


  • addListener(event, λ)

    Adds a listener for the specified event. Optionally, you can pass it as an option to io.listen, prefixed by on. For example: onClientConnect: function(){}

  • removeListener(event, λ) 

    Remove a listener from the listener array for the specified event.

  • broadcast(message, [except])

    Broadcasts a message to all clients. There's an optional second argument which is an array of session ids or a single session id to avoid broadcasting to.


The resource is what allows the socket.io server to identify incoming connections by socket.io clients. Make sure they're in sync.

  • transports

    ['websocket', 'server-events', 'flashsocket', 'htmlfile', 'xhr-multipart', 'xhr-polling']

    A list of the accepted transports.

  • timeout


    Time it has to pass without a reconnection to consider a client disconnected. Applies to all transports.

  • log

    ƒ(){ sys.log }

    The logging function. Defaults to outputting to stdout through sys.log


  • clientConnect(client)

    Fired when a client is connected. Receives the Client instance as parameter

  • clientMessage(message, client)

    Fired when a message from a client is received. Receives the message and Client instance as parameter

  • clientDisconnect(client)

    Fired when a client is disconnected. Receives the Client instance as parameter

Important note: this in the event listener refers to the Listener instance.


Client(listener, req, res)

Public Properties:

  • listener

    The Listener instance this client belongs to.

  • connected

    Whether the client is connected

  • connections

    Number of times the client connected


  • send(message)

    Sends a message to the client

  • broadcast(message)

    Sends a message to all other clients. Equivalent to Listener::broadcast(message, client.sessionId)


One of the design goals is that you should be able to implement whatever protocol you desire without Socket.IO getting in the way. Socket.IO has a minimal, unobtrusive protocol layer. It consists of two parts:

  • Connection handshake

    This is required to simulate a full duplex socket with transports such as XHR Polling or Server-sent Events (which is a "one-way socket"). The basic idea is that the first message received from the server will be a JSON object that contains a session id that will be used for further communication exchanged between the client and the server.

    The concept of session also benefits naturally full-duplex WebSocket, in the event of an accidental disconnection and a quick reconnection. Messages that the server intends to deliver to the client are cached temporarily until the reconnection.

    The implementation of reconnection logic (potentially with retries) is left for the user.

  • Message batching

    In order to optimize the resources, messages are batched. In the event of the server trying to send multiple messages while the client is temporarily disconnected (ie: xhr polling), and messages are stacked, or messages being stacked prior to the handshake being successful, a JSON object containing a list (array) of messages is sent to the client.

Despite this extra layer, your messages are delivered unaltered to the different event listeners. You can JSON.stringify() objects, send XML, or maybe plain text.

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